After 3 years of being tied to the pontoon berth, aside from a trip to the yard, we lifted off the lines and headed towards Spain. There was so little wind for the first few days the sea was like a big jelly until we were well past the Isles of Scilly. The Biscay crossing of 4 days was mostly OK but we kept well out into the Atlantic and off the. Continental shelf. There were rough seas some of the time and we spent a lot of time avoiding ships . I hadn't realised the Atlantic was so deep in Portishead, UK to Cape Finisterre, Spain Deborah (Indiana) 09/03/2017
After 3 years of being tied to the pontoon berth, aside from a trip to the yard, we lifted off the lines and headed towards Spain. There was so little wind for the first few days the sea was like a big jelly until we were well past the Isles of Scilly. The Biscay crossing of 4 days was mostly OK but we kept well out into the Atlantic and off the. Continental shelf. There were rough seas some of the time and we spent a lot of time avoiding ships . I hadn't realised the Atlantic was so deep in
One of our key decisions in deciding to go sailing is that we will sell our house. We have put much of our personality and work into it, and we have enjoyed the semi rural location and the wildlife that surrounds us. However, in our new lives we won't need bricks and mortar. Our boat will be our home and we will be happy not to have to worry about what's happening to our home. Our families live far away and we don't want to burden them When and if we come back to the UK, we would be happy to Selling the Family Home Indiana Deb 05/16/2017
One of our key decisions in deciding to go sailing is that we will sell our house. We have put much of our personality and work into it, and we have enjoyed the semi rural location and the wildlife that surrounds us. However, in our new lives we won't need bricks and mortar. Our boat will be our home and we will be happy not to have to worry about what's happening to our home. Our families live far away and we don't want to burden them When and if we come back to the UK, we would be happy to